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Phd. Diana

Curriculum (Abstract)

Mónica Diana Vicher García has a Phd in Political and Social Sciences with an Honorable Mention from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She has a post-Phd in Financial Economics at the UNAM, Faculty of Economics.


Has a Master degree and bachelor's degree is in Public Administration from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

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-Has participated in several international conferences and seminars (CLAD, Shanghai Administration Institute, NASPAA, OECD) on public administration in Latin America. And likewise, she has organized national and international academic meetings to contribute to the analysis and discussion of classic and current issues around public administration..


-Between others she did the Seminar "Building Capacities of Governance for Public Servants of Mexico", Training Center of the Academy of Governance, Beijing, Popular Republic of China.


-And has also participated in the Annual OECD Meeting Network of Schools in Public Administration as well as in activities of IIAS like Mexico’s International Conference 2012 (and online to some events of relevant matters for public service).


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